English (United States)
SkeletonKey Intelligent Security provides military-grade secure credential management using the latest encryption technologies. SkeletonKey optimizes your internet experience and saves you time and hassle by enabling you to only need to remember ONE master password for use will ALL your user accounts. In addition SkeletonKey generates and manages a totally unique and encrypted password for each individual login or account you have (highly recommended by internet security organizations and encryption experts.) Another rock solid security feature of SkeletonKey is the fact that NO DATA, PASSWORDS, or personal information is stored on your system – unique passwords are generated securely on the fly as you need them. Don’t let some punk hacker break into your digital life just because you were too lazy to be smart about your passwords! SkeletonKey makes it easy and more secure than ever – see for yourself.
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This app is Junk by Thomas
It does nothing and serves no purpose. It doesn't keep anything organized, it wont help you remember anything, all it does it generate random numbers you must have to write down and hide somewhere to remember and keep secure. Don't waste your time hopefully it hasn't sucked all my personal data away, I need a new password protector quick. Says it sends something to your clipboard? Doesn't exist. It's just junk, please refund my money and fix your app I'll happily take back these comments.
Security at it's Strongest and most Clever! by Toby
This app is what you need if you want bulletproof security - Period! This is the only way to achieve TOTAL hack-proof credential/user/login management and SkeletonKey pulls it off with Style. Smart stuff! A+++