360 Internet Protection

This extension is web threat protection of 360 Total Security for Edge. It's based on the cloud malicious URL database of 360 cloud security center. It can identify malicious URL in real-time and protect you from web threats. The capabilities of anti-fraud, anti-phishing and anti-malicious URL will be enabled once installed.
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Don't ever install it by D
360, formerly known as 3721.com, which was the largest malware company in China, is well known for stealing user's privacy while it claimed itself as an "internet security company". It installs "anti-virus" client stealthly in users' computers and collects many information which they shouldn't collecto to their servers. And the boss of 360.com, Hongyi Zhou, is known for participating the GFW project. If in doubt, google "Hongyi Zhou" and 3721.com. You'll know more.
Not A Winner by James
Does not launch. It appears to be defective. When I open it from the taskbar the page is blank.
Phishing site detected. by Robert
Without 360 protection this site might have went unnoticed.