English (United States)
Need a lift? Use Lyft to get an affordable ride in minutes. Instead of hailing a cab or waiting for the bus, just request a car with the tap of a button, and get picked up by a nearby friendly driver who’ll take you to your destination right away. Enjoy a welcoming, affordable, and memorable ride today. Our app is cheaper than a taxi, faster than the bus, and easy to use. And now you can use your Windows mobile phone or tablet to request your Lyft rides.
- Getting Started: After downloading Lyft and signing up, simply open the app and request a ride. - Paying: Never worry about having cash for a cab or the bus again — with Lyft, you pay through your phone. It’s easy, fast, and secure. - Split the Cost: Easily split the cost of a ride with friends through the app. No more IOU’s.
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Almost there by Brian
Similar to other reviews, my app doesn't keep the driver information persistent after changing app focus or putting phone to sleep. This is inconvenient but also something that shouldn't have made it past QA. Once this is fixed I think we'll be back on track.
Works on Nokia Icon! But the UI is wonky. by Kurt
I really like this app. Useful & it isn't Uber so it's got that going for it. That being said, if you signal for a pick up then switch off from the app, getting back to the app doesn't show that there's a ride pending. You're kind of left wondering if someone is still coming. Only when the driver arrives are you signaled that, yes, you still have a ride in progress. Wish this was clearer. That said, it does consistently work, even if you're not sure it's working.
Connection error PC/Tab, and Mobile. Wifi + Mobile. by Forge
This app is unusable more times than it is usable. It's inexcusable for both Uber and Lyft apps to be as terrible as they are on this platform. No other platforms would accept the lack of support and functionality from these two companies, but we're on Windows where in this day and age nothing works. I'm connected to both Wifi and Mobile, yet I'm unable to order a trip due to a connection error? The website function that bypasses the app has the same error? On the phone, the tablet, and the PC? I'll promptly be removing this app and will unfortunately give my money to an overpriced Taxi, rather than have to contact support every other day to remedy an issue platform wide. Lyft should be ashamed of themselves for allowing their service to be as unreliable as Uber.
Doesn't continue to show driver data by stephan
If you exit the app and come back your driver info is no longer there. Please update.
No lyft line support by Mark
Thanks for finally making an app for Windows Phone. Please add lyft line and other service support to the app
Driver info lost when focus lost by Steven
Major problem is that the app loses driver info when app loses focus or phone sleeps. This caused me to order 2 rides before I knew about this bug. Fix this and you get 5 stars!
Finally working by Avarice
I don't see that the app has been updated... But somehow It's working correctly on my 950... Will give 5* for finally coming to Windows..
Finally. by Dan
Thanks for supporting the Windows 10 platform! So far so good. I've been able to sign up and add a payment method. Successfully ordered two rides already without issue. Thanks Lyft!