English (United States) Русский (Россия) Українська (Україна)
VK Group: vk.com/dm_player
Sort music by date(and other)! Glance screen mode! (with gestures!) Flac! Playlists, albums, artists, folders! Fast load! Live tile! Smart and quick search for music! (auto created temp playlist and playing!!) TagEditor! Automatic shutdown by timer! Auto load last playlist. Save position playback. Delete track from the phone.
Is that something else you need for comfortable listening to music?
Supported formats: mp3, wav, flac, aac, wma, amr, m4a, qcp, m4r, 3g2, 3gp, mp4, wm, asf, 3gpp, 3gp2, mpa, adt, adts, pya.
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by Marcos Vinícius
Que player lindo e tem tudo que eu preciso! Amei
Good by Сергей
Самый лучший плеер в магазине))правда не хватает функции по буквам искать...))))
by вадим
This is the best music player in the wp, fast, smooth work.A especially like mode Glance Screen! Try it
by ivane
Лучший плеер в магазине.