English (United States)
Video Player Downloader for You Tube - listen and download videos, movies or music are more easier and faster with this app. Video Player Downloader for You Tube has a rich features that will help you to completing your needs about music and videos. This app is more outstanding than other similar application. This app is the most popular video and music application that allow you to watch, listen and download videos and music free under Creative Commons License. Please note, Video Player Downloader for You Tube is only a video and music search engine. This application also do not keep the database inside the application. Video Player Downloader for You Tube requires an internet connection. You must activate 3G, 4G LTE, or WiFi connection before streaming or downloading songs for maximum results. Video Player Downloader for You Tube is simple, so you do not difficult to choose a song, video or movie, you only need to input the name of the singer, song or video title in the search bar and press the search button and you will find the music and video you need.
You can download any video or audio from the desired resolution and play them later, or watch them online. You can access downloaded content in the "History" and play those stored in offline media.
Besides, you can download media files in mp4 and save them to your own music library. So that you can play these videos on your player.
Video Player Downloader for You Tube application features: + The download process is very quick and easy. + Best music & video download free in getting facilities. + Download Mp3 music and video for your smart phone and PC. + Listen Mp3 & video download free directly. + Upadted app with modern UI, and solved bugs + Search videos from YouTube + Download mp4 format video files to your Video Library or local + Supports HD (1080p) video quality if available. + Video player online or offline play videos with the built-in player. + History Playlist your videos or sound files can play! + Quality change your files
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