English (United States) Magyar (Magyarország)
A significant portion of the Earth’s human population has been residing near waters since ancient times, therefore many miracles of man-made creations are concentrated in those areas. The region we would like to introduce is located in such an area, called the Danube valley which invites to explore and visit. Its multiple characteristics yield sights to see and programmes to experience for every generation providing cultural opportunities, the world-famous gastronomy, or healthcare and dental facilities, health spas, active recreation for those who live busy lives, the wonderful flora and fauna of National Parks and last but not least about the number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites near the Danube. A further curiosity of the 417 km-long Hungarian section of one of the World’s most enormous system constructed by human effort is that the nomination for the UNESCO World Heritage status is now being in progress. The initiators of this nomination is Dr. Zsolt Visy DSc, professor emeritus, president of the Cultural Committee of the Hungarian National Commission of UNESCO and Attila Hirschberg, the main organizer concerning the inherent cultural opportunities of the area, the producers of this publication, who are founders of the Hungarian Limes Association. (Limes was the fortified boundary of the ancient Roman Empire.)