English (United States)
Sit back and relax while you play your favorite music channel and are treated to a fully visual experience on the rhythm of your music. We included various cool visuals that will bring a whole new dimension to your music listening experience. Some are awesome fractal based animations and others are interactive beat detector visualizers that will make you feel your music like never before.
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Neat by H.
Prefect "uninstall" simulator. If you need practice uninstalling apps that don't work; this app is for you!
It took less than a minute to decide to uninstall it. by RANDY
The write up said visualize your music, Not true at all. It's their music or nuthin!
cant play "YOUR" music by Kyle
nice visuals but make it so we can listen to our music of choice
Only for their own [bad] streams by Michael
Would be interesting if it could handle LineIn, and I don't like the idea that it wasn't optional to cut it off from the internet connection (crashes when internet access is cut off from 3rd party software).
Garbage!!! Do not download!!! by David
Nothing but ads, and commercials playing back to back! You can't even listen to music!
Crashes by Deejay
Just as soon as I select a way to view the music patterns, it crashes.. Even after I've restarted my phone, and I'm using the Lumia 950 XL... Also, it states the download size is 69 MB, but it only downloaded 29 MB