English (United States)
Video & Audio Cutter and Converter
GuruTrax Video & Audio Cutter and Converter is designed to cut Audio and Video clips from large Media files. It is optimised to cut Music from the large media files with milisecond precision and ease. UI is designed to make it easier to cut multiple files in one go.
Few easy steps to cut files.
1) Open source file 2) Name your output file 3) Play the source file and pause the player where you want to start your clip, Click MarkIn button next to Output file name. 4) Seek player where you want to end the clip and pause, Click MarkOut button. 5) Add more clips from the same file by clicking "Add" button 6) Save all clips as "MP3 Audio" or "Video"
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Amazing by Michael
This app is perfect - it's extremely simple and easy to use, I love it!
Easy to use by Mubasher
Video & Audio Cutter and Coveter is very useful and easy to use application, Processing speed is really fast and features are also awesome.
Useless by Joeven
This app is useless. Tried to trim a 11 min video to 10 but when you played the trimmed output it only plays about a minuet then it ends, although my player time says a 10 min playable file.
Easy to use but need a seeking track for precision edit by Lewei
Minimalistic UI and is very simple to use. Con side to this is that it can only seems to mark beginnings and ends of a video/audio file while playing. Means I need to pause the playback at the exact time to place the trimming marks (I have long reflexes, which makes it hard to be very exact if I need more precisions). Needs at least a seeker bar with moveable tags like other editors (or at least let us enter the trim time manually).
Amazing App by Nazir
It's so simple to use and the quality of the video is excellent.
Works pretty well for first release :) by Ahmed Nauman
It's very unusual to find a Video trimmer in windows store, and specially for free. Though the UI seems to be in initial stages, the app seems to work pretty fine. Better than the windows built-in trimmer in Photos app. I hope it improves in the later releases (change the icon, adapt Fluent design elements), and comes to mobile too.