English (United States)
UK Trains provides real-time information for UK national rail stations (excluding Northern Ireland). * List of nearest stations to current location * Map with directions to chosen station * Station departure and arrivals boards, including platform information * Show train live progress during the journey * Show expected arrival time to discover when later trains arrive first than earlier trains * Send text message to let someone know about a departure * Allow to pin individual stations to the start screen * No need to manage favourite stations, recent items are remembered * Cortana integration
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by Jaylen
Always delay
by Pedro
Excellent app!!
by Yauhen
Use it every day!
by Brett
As a visitor to the UK from the US I had no experience with really any train systems whatsoever. This app let us master train travel like pros. Select a station, know the platform and the times. Brilliant app. Took a little bit to figure out a route but once I saw how to do that we had no problems whatsoever. Thanks to the developer, you helped make our holiday a great experience.
by Reimo
Exactly what I needed.
by Chris
Excellent app! Rely on it almost daily.
by S. B.
Fast and reliable, don't know how I travelled without it
by Jitin
Platform numbers don't appear at times.