Nederlands (Nederland) English (United States) Nederlands (België)
Spoorboekje provides a fast and easy trip planner for the Dutch railways. - Plan your trip from A to B - Live tile - Lockscreen with the number of disruptions - Reminder before your train leaves - Use your location to plan your trip - Easily plan your return trip - Pin your current trip to the main screen of the app to keep track of it - Use favorites to gain fast and easy access to your most frequent trips - Pin stations to the start screen - Pin favorites to the start screen - Show the current trip at the back of the app tile - Provides information about planned and unplanned disruptions - Show departure times per station - English and Dutch user interface
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by Nicky
Super app
by Gerrit
Simple and straightforward, exactly what you need when you need to get a train during a busy trip.
by EdoH87
Geweldige app. Fijne interface en mooi gemaakt!
by Player489519253
Heerlijke app. Slim nagedacht over bepaalde mogelijkheden zoals bijvoorbeeld kunnen zien welke treinen er vertrekken vanaf een bepaald station en kunnen zien welk station dichtbij is. Evenals favorieten en de snelle mogelijkheid om je reis te plannen. Ook goede ondersteuning. :)