Ringtones For Windows Phone !

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Do you feel it`s time for some new ringtones? If you do, Ringtones For Windows Phone is the perfect app for you. Enjoy these latest ringtones and get newest free sounds!
Get ready for the best ringtones for Android and make your phone stand out with these mobile tones. Choose your new ringtone among various cool sounds and set a different melody for each of your friends and family. Ringtones For Windows Phone app is a good way to personalize your mobile phone and make it different. One click and your phone will be richer for new sounds, best melodies and top songs for Windows Phone. You can set these free sounds as incoming call sound, sms tone or alarm sound. Don't pick up your phone immediately, just enjoy the melody for a few moments. Change tones every day and be unique and trendy all the time. Take your chance and amaze your friends and family with the most popular ringtones for Windows Phone.
-Set sound as default or contact ringtone -Set sound as SMS or notification melody -Set as alarm sound - All ringtones are free and legal to own and use
Download Ringtones For Windows Phone and get new ringtones for free.
This application has been tested on the following phones Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone 8.1: Nokia Lumia 625, Nokia Lumia 925, Nokia Lumia 1520, Nokia Lumia 820, Nokia Lumia 525, Nokia Lumia 1320, HTC 8X, HTC 8S, HTC One M8, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 720, Nokia Lumia 1020, Nokia Lumia 521, Samsung Ativ S, Nokia Lumia 510, Nokia Lumia 928, Nokia Lumia Icon, Nokia Lumia 822, Nokia Lumia 810, HTC 8XT, Huawei Ascend W1, Huawei Ascend W2. Compatible with Verizon, AT&T and all other providers.
Sounds and tones used in Ringtones For Windows Phone are under Creative Commons license (CC0 1.0, CC BY 2.0,CC BY 3.0,CC BY-SA 3.0, CC BY 4.0, CC BY-SA 4.0), credited in the app, where appropriate.
Photograph used for the icon in Ringtones For Windows Phone is under Creative Commons Licence (CC BY 2.0). Credits go to:
Peter McConnochie - https://www.flickr.com/photos/dougliz/
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It works!!!! by Natalija
So far it's the ONLY ringtones app that WORKS on my Windows 10 phone! A good variety of sounds and the antique ringtone is my favorite and actually works! Yay! I highly recommend this app!!!
by Kristy
Best selection have heard in awhile
by larry
by saul
Very good tones