English (United States)
Locate the Qibla i.e. the direction for the Muslim prayer from the current location of the phone. Key features: - Metro styled with fast and smooth needle movement - Optionally overlay the direction of North - Shows the angle difference between North and the Qibla - When Location is turned off provides the ability to manually search the current location. - Provides the Qibla angle from North based on the current location for devices that do not support a magnetometer.
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by jameel
It's an helpful app
by Arbab
Great app.
Muslim wajib punya by arwii
Petunjuk arah kiblat sangan penting bagi umat muslim. Aplikasi ini akan menunjukan kiblat dengan tepat, berdasarkan lokasi pengguna. Akurat, cepat, simple. Ini yg terbaik yg saya temukan di lingkungan windows phone 10. Cobalah.
Qibla by Ali