English (United States)
One Transit USA brings you transit data for over 250 transit systems in the United States! Simply select the nearest bus, train, subway, metro, tram, streetcar or ferry transit system to take advantage of these great features: - Automatically finds the closest transit stop to your location, and display convenient walking or driving directions on a map. - View scheduled departure information showing when the next vehicle will depart from your stop. - Save your favorite stops for easy access One Transit serves these areas and more! ABQ RIDE (Albuquerque) AC Transit ACAD Allegany County Ann Arbor Annapolis Transit Arcata & Mad River Arlington (ART) Asheville Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Blacksburg Bloomington Butte-Silver Bow Caltrain Cape Ann Cape Cod (CCRTA) Cary CDTA Ceres Champaign Urbana Chapel Hill Charlottesville Charm City Cherriots Citilink Albany Maricopa Milton-Freewater Seattle Corvallis Cottonwood Curry Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) DC Circulator Delaware DOT Duluth eTrans Eureka Fairfax Connector Fort Worth Frederick Golden Gate Ferry Cleveland Green Bay Hampton Roads (HRT) IndyGo Island Transit Jefferson KCATA Kingsport Kitsap LANTA Lexpress LexTran Long Island Railroad (LIRR) Lowell Regional Manatee County Marin Mason MET St. Louis Madison Metro North Railroad Atlanta Harris County Miami Dade Milwaukee MNR Hudson Modesto Montgomery County Ride On MTA New York City MVTA NFTA Night Rider Lake Tahoe Orange County PATCO People Mover Allegheny County PSTA PVTA Rhode Island Rio Vista Rochester RTC RIDE RVTD Sacramento Sage Stage Salem San Francisco San Joaquin (RTD) Santa Cruz Santa Rosa Sarasota Sedona RoadRunner SEPTA (Philadelphia) Siskiyou SMART Sound Transit Spokane Squaw Valley SunTran Tahoe Area Tehama Thousand Oaks Topeka Truckee Triangle TriMet Tri-Rail Unitrans (Davis) U-Trans Verde Lynx VIA Vineyard VRE Wallowa
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by User
Its good at finding you and the route close to you..its not good at telling you when it'll reach you nor how you can connect to the routes to have an end destination
by Jason
Needs a search function for stops. Doesn't include SEPTA's Regional Rail schedules.
by User
This app didn't work at all in Montgomery County MD. No matter what stop/time, the app said no arrivals. Nice idea though!
by User
The app fives no option to choose direction. Only shows times for westbound routes for the 114. Useless.
by Sarah
Always said no upcoming departures, even when I'm standing at the station with a train in 2 min. (at least for caltrain and Bart). Uninstalling.
by Devin
So far this app