English (United States)
Music Tube for youtube - Fast, simple, easy to use, mostly full-featured application for streaming and downloading video from Youtube, Vimeo and Daily Motion. This is 3in1 app ! You can build your favorite playlists ! You can download any video from the desired resolution and play them later, or watch them online. You can access downloaded content in the "History" and play those stored in offline media. Just download AWESOME TUBE and stream your AWESOME youtube videos !
Music Tube for youtube application features: + Download or play video on your smart phone or PC. + Upadted app with modern UI, and solved bugs + Support YouTube, Vimeo and Daily Motion - 3 in 1 app ! + Supports HD (1080p) video quality if available. + History Playlists for your videos ! + All Quality supported !
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Amazing! by Ricardo
Its a great app!
Great App by Josiah
This is great! I can download videos now! The only thing that I do not like about this app, is the adds. They take up almost half the screen. If it had not been for the adds, I would have given a 5 star, but the adds keeps this downloader free. I highly recommend this app.
very nice easy snf smoth by William
very nice
good by YASSIN
vry good app