English (United States)
Find places and get directions from your favorite services like Google, Bing and Foursquare in seconds. Never get lost or miss a place in a new locality.
Look for hotels, coffee shops, ATMs, etc. in and around you. Now optimized for Windows 10
With over 250K downloads on Windows Platform, more features to come....
Features: • Search places like café, mall, hotel, etc. using easy quick links • Get directions to your favorite places using Google and any other installed app • Google Places and Foursquare support with reviews and ratings • Pin searched place to start screen with beautiful images • Live Tiles • Get the best places around you - Read Google+, Yelp and Foursquare ratings and reviews to decide where to eat, play, shop and more
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Provide feedback at [email protected] or tweet @nextappsteam
Some services may not be available in all countries/regions.
This is a third party app and is not associated with Google, Foursquare, Yelp or Microsoft.
People also like
good but needs support for landscape mode by George
in tablet mode the landscape mode doesnt work
by Steve
Unable to find ANYTHING near me!
Out of DATE!!!! very old . by Jerry L.
you have a very good looking map , but things can change . when do you up-date your maps? ? ? also you show driveways to homes as if they were streets.
by ashok
Very useful app
by T
Burns battery, doesn't pass address to Bing, just shows name in Bing map, other than that, better search results then scout, n gives you yelp results
by Adora
Can't find anything near by
by Erik
Many of the places near me that I know exist and are good don't even come up at. Most of the locations are FAR away from where I am.