English (United States)
Map ME is the Bing map based application,in Map ME users can search various place and Map ME will also speak the name of the place which is searched,Map ME display the current location of user using GPS technology,Map ME allows user to navigate to Destination that user need to provide start and end location and Map ME will guide you whole route along with Distance between two place and Time duration required to Navigate to destination,user can clear all the routes and serach location by clicking on the clear map,Map ME allows user to share map image with the friends using email,Map ME allows to get the Longitude and Latitude information for any location on the map using Geo Location
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Excellent by jaymin
Good going jaymin , this is wonderful app that help me lot for finding the route as well as route distance and time duration I can share the map with my friend using map me it's just an awesome
Very good by Harsh
Nice app
Excellent Work by Ghanshyam
Good work dude... keep it up. Need Some Changes also... :-)
Nice App by Tarun
Nice app for mapping... Keep it up :)