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Read & download more than 3000 manga for free in a well designed application for the best reading experience !
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"Internet not working" by Almond
I like how it downloads the catalogue fine, but it won't let me view a single chapter. Keeps on telling me that my connection was aborted, with a button prompting to purchase. If this is what I'm going to deal with pre-purchase, I'll pass.
Problems by Abreail
when I look at certain catalogs it doesn't even show the comic yet it shows the chapters and descriptions instead it shows a lion/bear sunflower thing! And its not even a joke no matter which catalog I choose. Before it started doing that it was great but now its just annoying.
Connection Lost by Unknown
So I was really excited for this app and went ahead and bought the full expansion package. Little did I know I would not be able to download any mangas let alone read them. It says that connection was lost and my internet is down but I can use the internet and all my other apps perfectly, so obviously there is something wrong with this app. I just wish I knew this before I spent 13 bucks plus taxes on this app. I am saddened by this and would advice all of you reading this not to download this app.
please help!! by Jackary
when I purchased the 12.99 all features bundle the app will no longer open!! please fix this!! I'm on windows 10 pro on Microsoft surface pro 3 UPDATE a reinstall of the app fixed the problem