English (United States) Deutsch (Deutschland)
KAUZ Español–Deutsch Professional is a Spanish–German–Universal Dictionary with more than 150,000 entries. This dictionary does not require any internet connection.
FEATURES (STANDARD VERSION): • search Spanish words • search German words • no Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary once and use it on your Windows Phone device without any additional expense. • supports all Windows Phone 8.0, 8.1 and 10 devices
FEATURES (PROFESSIONAL VERSION): • all features of the standard version • more than 150,000 entries • more detailed entries • more than 20,000 of example sentences in Spanish and German • conjugation tables for most common verbs in Spanish and German • voice output for Spanish and German • favorites and search history • no ads at all
TAGS: español alemán diccionario diccionarios conjugación conjugaciones inflexiones verbos sustantivos adjetivos adverbios traducir traductor traducciones frase frases ejemplo ejemplos gramática profesional spanish german dictionary dictionaries conjugation conjugations inflections verbs nouns adjectives adverbs translate translator translations sentence sentences example examples grammar professional spanisch spanisches deutsch deutsches wörterbuch wörterbücher konjugation konjugationen beugungen verben substantive adjektive adverbien übersetzen übersetzer übersetzungen satz sätze beispiel beispiele grammatik professionell pro