Free Instant Downloader for YouTube

English (United States)
“Free Instant Downloader for YouTube” allows you to download HD YouTube videos onto your hard drive in order to view a video offline or convert it into a format that can be stored and played on a mobile device. Using “Free Instant Downloader for YouTube” is as easy as it gets. Perform a quick search within the app, click on the video you are interested in, choose “Save Video” or “Save Audio”, select the video quality and then the item is saved to your local Video or Music library while automatically is converted to be compatible with your mobile device. There is no need to copy links and switch back and forth between YouTube website and the app, everything is one place. Not to forget, the app is FREE and there are no restrictions or limitations in order to make you buy a Premium version. You get the fully loaded app for FREE. Get it now and start downloading your videos and music from YouTube. This is the app you were looking for!
The App should only be used to download content you own or have the copyright to, they are part of Public Domain ( meaning, there is no copyright or all copyright has fully and irrevocably expired), or the content was publish under "Creative Commons" License.
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Save what you see on YouTube in video or audio. Easy to use. Only issue I'm having is app seems to crash a bit...
It's ight by Alex
The app is brilliant and the downloads are fast, the only problem that I do find myself having with the app is that it occasionally tends to shut down by itself. If y'all fixed that I would've given this five stars.
I love the idea of this app and I love how it functions.. BESIDES THE FACT that I can not keep it open... It closes randomly ALL of the time.. Please fix it because if it wasn't for this one problem this app would be purchase worthy
It's free, legal, and overall awesome! by Jamison
Not even YouTube itself loads up a video at the speed of this app, not to mention being able to watch the video offline (after downloading, of course). Also, music can be legally downloaded into an MP3 file, so if your internet is slow, just listen to some tunes you downloaded-- you'll be surprised of how patient you become! In summary, this app is perfect for any MP4 or MP3 download needs, plus it allows fast loading of a video for instant watch, whether or not you'll download it. ^0w0^ 9.5/10
I would give it a 5 but... by Hemi
the app is very good and it gives me full access to recent videos, but it will only allow me to download the video, not the audio. When I click the "video save", the options come out, but when selecting "audio save", nothing comes out. If you can solve this issue I would love to give this app 5 stars
GREAT APP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Unknown
This is a great youtube app for downloading videos,etc... The one issue that Im finding is the app will crash on me while in use or just will not function ... Besides this . Its a great app and easy to use..