English (United States)
Fanfic Reader is the first Universal App for Fanfiction.Net! Designed using the Windows platform guidelines, it offers a visually appealing and functional experience. Dive into the archives of Fanfiction.Net with this app to have easier access to millions of stories written by over two million users!
The app allows you to download stories for offline reading! You can also log in using your Fanfiction.Net account to keep track of your reviews, favorite stories, favorite authors, view other authors' profiles, edit your own profile, send and receive private messages, write reviews and more.
Your last read story and chapter sync between your devices, so you can switch devices mid-story without losing your reading flow!** Your last read story shows up on the Live Tile so you can easily keep track of it.
The free trial allows you to test the app to your satisfaction before purchasing it.
The app does not require unnecessary access to your phone's data, and does not collect any sort of private information. The app functions on the Fanfiction.Net website servers, and therefore might have connectivity issues if ever the Fanfiction.Net website is down.
* Requires the same Microsoft account to be on both devices. ** The sync will occur quickly but may take a minute or two on slower internet connections.
Important: The formerly available free version of this app is now not available due to the hassle of maintaining two code projects in parallel, all the while dealing with bad return due to the terrible ad SDK available for UWP apps. Only this version will be available starting Jan 2017.
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Loading speed is too slow, please improve by YC
Bought this app,loved it, but loading speed is way too slow.
Finally! by Joshua
I've been waiting forever for just this. It's well designed. I must beg/request that they take a few notes from Spicymango's android app (namely the filter) As is I am more than happy with the app.
Great App by Kayla
I love that there is finally a comp version of this app but I do enjoy the phone app a lot better than this. The filter on here needs to be updated. the mobile and the website offer more to filter by than this. Mainly filter by the character. Also the download button should be available as your scrolling through the search because when you click on a story and go back to your search it resets everything. So I have to filter all over again and start from the beginning.
Good so far.. by Griselle
This would be a five star review of it had a way to get your follows and not just the favorites. Also the filtering needs more options specially by character.
Wow, so nice for the first release! by Brittany
Great job, honestly. The Ui is really good and I haven't run into anything I couldn't do yet, and it seems very stable/solid. It's also very intelligently laid out.
A great reading app by CW
IF you are looking for a way to read the content provided by Fanfiction.net this is a great little app. It locks into your profile and builds itself around that. Your personal favorits and your profile are all there to help. I hope that there is eventually an option to download content but who knows.