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The Expedia Hotels, Flights, Cars & Activities app is an easy and convenient way to book your hotel, flight or car hire when you’re at home or on the go. With our Best Price Guarantee, rest assured that you're always getting the best deal.
Save big on hotel rooms • Default to your current location for fast, on-the-go booking • See reviews from actual hotel customers • Sort by price, deals, or reviews instantly • Find affordable hotel rooms or 5-star luxury suites • It’s your choice — pay when you book or at check-in for select hotels
Find the perfect flight • Book a flight to anywhere in the world • Sort by price, duration, or time instantly • Search by airport name, city or airport code
Get going as soon as you land: • Enjoy round-trip car hire from any airport – with no cancellation fee • Reserve a car hire up to 30 minutes in advance • Choose from our selection of standard car hire, luxury autos, SUVs & more
Book in a flash • Already signed in? Book in under 30 seconds • Earn Expedia+ points for mobile bookings • Reserve for same night check-in up to 5am (select hotels only)
View your itinerary • View upcoming trips that you book in the app and on the web • Open the app when you're about to travel and see your trip details immediately
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by Stephen
No longer a wrapper, it's a complete app now and it's pretty sleek. It's probably the best app of all the platforms Expedia is on because of the live tile. Thanks Expedia for realizing WP deserves love too!
by Jason
Dear Expedia, Yes I know that this is only a website repackaged as an app. Yes I know that ios and Android have better apps. Even still I am very grateful you didn't completely leave us out to dry. This is a great start, now lets see an incredible universal app for windows 10! Sincerely, Windows fan
Pretty great by Andreas
Gorgeous and functional app... Glad its on par with ios and android and even acknowledged as existing for windows in the commercials, unlike most companies with apps Please add one way car booking to this app and it will be
by Brian
Works great.. Love that Cortana is part of this of now.....