English (United States)
ESV Bible at your fingertips. Carry your Bible with you whereever, whenever, and share with whomever you want! • Free! • Intuitive. Crossway has been driven to provide a fantastic user experience. • Read. The ESV Bible App emulates the same unique typography users encounter with print version of the ESV • Share. Share with others via popular social media services • Notes. Take notes on your favorite passges • Highlights. Highlight your favorite verse • Search.
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by Bryan
This app has its pros and cons. Pro: Good text, the UI is pretty and functional when working. Local storage is used, so no data connection is needed to use. Cons: Formatting errors abound. The app's UI is slow and buggy. Since upgrading my phone to Windows Phone 8.1, I have had to uninstall and reinstall the app several times after it became nonfunctional. Overall I would say this app could be the YouVersion killer if a few steps are taken. 1. Fix the performance and formatting issues. 2. Provide study tools. 3. Allow for linking to Crossway accounts. Really, I'll say this. If an ESV Study Bible app were to come to Windows Phone, I would buy it. //edit: When I reach the end of Revelation the app quits working. It will just force close everytime I open it. Please fix!
by Levi
Not optimized for windows phone at all. Very unresponsive and slow. Needs updating. The text, however is wonderful.
by barefootscribe
I have to agree that this Bible app needs some serious work. The UI is not friendly and, frankly, the fact that it goes back to Gen 1 if you look at it cross-eyed is making me find a new app. I could probably work with the fade-in (although that's annoying; I wish I could shut that off) but the jumping around is just not going to work. I hope we see an update soon which will fix this, because I really like crossway in general. update: switched bibles. The bugs in this app are too annoying.
by Chuck
It is so nice to have a bible app that has the text downloaded for offline use. I love the ESV and think that this app is the best bible app out there. Please update eventually to include study bible support.
by Jerome
Functioning. Cons include misplaced punctuation like quotes and periods. Also no easy way to return after following a footnote to another verse. If you tap a footnote, expect the app to keep loading that verse until you restart the app entirely...
by kevin
This app is extremely clunky and not fluid. More development work is needed. The search feature doesn't take you to the right verse, the scrolling is choppy at best. Crossway's apps and tech pieces are normally much better than this. Hopefully it will be improved over time. Unfortunately this is still the best ESV Bible app I've seen for WP.