Deutsch (Deutschland) English (United States)
Emergency numbers offers quickly at a glance all the important emergency numbers that you need at home or abroad. You can also add further personal emergency contacts to the app and for some countries we provide special emergency numbers for e.g. automobile roadway repair service. Especially helpful this app is on vacation, because those emergency numbers of the visited country are often unknown or forgotten during the excitement. For this purpose, this app should provide assistance. ✔ In the update to version 1.2.0 important changes for a better support of Windows Phone 7.8 and 8 were made. Furthermore, the performance and handling of the whole app has been optimized. Now you can send your current location via SMS / E-Mail to personal emergency contacts or people from your contacts list. ✔ The 1.2.5 update includes several bug fixes and a new easily recognizable app icon, so users of an other operating system can also recognize the purpose of this app in case of emergency. ✔ Currently, 130 countries are supported and we still try to add information about the missing countries as soon as possible. ✦✦✦ JB Solutions contact information ✦✦✦ Email: [email protected] Twitter: @bamminger
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In the USA, "311" is NOT dedicated to non-emergency PD, yet 311 is hard-coded into the app for non-emergency PD. Why?