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Free comics and manga viewer for ZIP/CBZ, RAR/CBR, 7z/CB7, PDF, and directories. Written in C++/CX. It is designed to be simple, fast and efficient along with some power user features to enhance the reading experience.
Keep Comics++ awesome by giving us feedback at www.comicsplusplus.com!
Keyboard controls - Left/Right/PgUp/PgDown to go forward and back a page - Space bar to advance to next page - Home/End to jump to beginning/end of book - 1 = One Page Mode, 2 = Two Page Mode, C/3 = Continuous Mode - X for Next Book, Z for Prev Book - D to switch reading direction - O to switch between horizontal to vertical reading direction - Ctrl + scroll wheel to zoom (or pinch via touch)
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Almost perfect reader by Terry
If only I were able to read landscape in 2 page book form, it would be the perfect e-reader. Add that in the new Windows 10 version and you'll get that 5th Star! Other wise, easy to navigate, clear pictures and scaling doesn't degrade quality. Outstanding job! I've been using Comical 0.8 for over 5 years, and it no longer was compatible with the new Windows update. Finding Comics++ seamlessly filled the void.
The best comic reader by Unknown
comics++ is by far the best comic book reader available for Windows 8. Simple and lightweight and incredibly quick.
Great app but one issue by dan
Works quite beautiful and exactly what I wanted. And no ads is a major plus for the app. My issues is when looking at the files in browser mode. For some reason it's not grabbing the covers. Kind of annoying but not a deal breaker. Great job nonetheless.