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— Thousands of books. One monthly fee. With a Bookmate subscription you’ll have access to a huge library – stacked with bestsellers, all time classics, business books and more – in English, Spanish, or one of 10 other languages. Even our free account offers 50,000 books!
— Smart suggestions. Experts and other booklovers create themed bookshelves. Browse them, subscribe and receive regular updates. Bookmate also makes recommendations based on your preferences – the books you added to your reading list. The more you read, the more accurate our recommendations!
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— Your on-tap paperback. Customise Bookmate for a comfortable read: adjust the brightness, change the font or the background screen colour. Start reading on your phone and pick up where you left off on your tablet or computer.
— Everything in one place. All your books, quotes and notes get saved in Bookmate. Read anywhere: in the subway, at the beach, on a plane. Download your favourite books to your device for offline reading; and upload .epub or .fb2 files to read any others you find.
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by Filip
Great app, good design, please add an option not to fade the screen while reading and to disable tap to get to the next page, those two are bugging me. Rest, pretty much perfect :)
finally w10 app by Konstantin
thanks for bringing it to the tablets/desktop!
by Tammy
I'm very unhappy with this app because it states that the books u save in your library are available for offline reading for when you are away from wifi area.this is a totally false fact!mistake me if I'm wrong!
by Rafael
Best ebook reader! Great online service. Great work.
Do none of these programs actually open epub files?! by Josh
Uggh. I got this downloaded, through the first few screens, and it's asking me to sign up for an account. I search for epub, and get this crap. I just want to read an epub file. Not sign up for all sorts of services.
by Ilias
Font *too* big, not enough flexibility to set the font size. Also, very little typographic control (paragraphs, margins, etc.) I simply can't find a comfortable reading setting. I also can't log in to the site (using Chrome)
by Mary Hazel
Very nice app with many books