English (United States)
An Easy to use Bible containing the following versions: KJV,YLT,ASV,BBE,DBY
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AWESOME! by ATrendingStoner
It's easy to ignore the word of God with soo many games, movies & technology fighting for our time nowadays. Thank you for bringing this app to Xbox so i can be more tempted to read God's Holy Word. God bless you all and read the KJV! (ITS THE ONLY ONE UN-TAMPERED AND UN-CHANGED. if you don't understand old english just look up the definitions. Trust me!)
Sword of the spirit,the word of God by DocHolliday1960
Archaeology and secular historians confirm many events,people,places, and customs chronicled in Scripture. This is the only book with hundreds of fulfilled prophecies. This is a book of Truth. I wish you could save favorite passages and share with friends. Its good to have this app on Xbox....Many Thanks and God bless
Amazing, the WORD OF GOD on my xbox!!!
It doesn't open up! by KiNGDOM BiZNiZZ
The app does not open. There are only 2 Bible apps on here and one doesn't work. It would be nice to see it fixed!
Good start on an Xbox Bible app by AgamemnonWisp
An obvious port from a mobile app, nonetheless quite functional. The interface is predictably clumsy, but not enough to be a big drawback. I hope to see additional features added like commentaries, maps, etc.
SURPRISING! by YahwehTruthLife
Im surprised to see a bible app on the Xbox one. I've never seen anything remotely religious on any other video game console. I'm proud of Microsoft and the app developer for having such an amazing and uplifting feature, that will at least offer the word of god even though some may ignore it.
A GOOD START. by bornagain888
Not bad for a very basic Bible app. I love reading Proverbs; so much practical wisdom.
Needs a better app by TacoOoMonster
Won't install, plus it may be nice to throw in some versions other than KJV so anyone on Xbox can get God's word, (possibly add ESV and NASB). It's good to have these versions for clarity in interpreting the text.