English (United States)
VERSION 2.0 IS NOW AVAILABLE Settings are now always saved. You can save your current settings to a named playlist. Enter an exact numeric tempo. Switch to always keep the screen on. More sounds. The Beat Pro™ Metronome is a professional level tool, which is also easy to use for all musicians. See and hear accurate beats from 20 to 212 beats per minute. Uses mathematically generated waveforms instead of sample files to maintain an accurate precise beat. This is the most accurate metronome you can find. SEE, HEAR, TAP, SHAKE The display is BIG, so you can see it from a distance. The beats are LOUD, so you can hear them over your instrument. TAP or SHAKE to set the tempo. SEE THE BEATS The Beat Pro™ Metronome provides three different beat indicators. You may choose from the beat rotator, the classic swinging needle, or the orbiting ball. All of the indicators will display the beat number, along with the subdivisions as &, a, e. Portrait and Landscape orientations supported. SET THE TEMPO (SHAKE, RATTLE, and ROLL) Rotate the tempo wheel with your thumb or finger to set the tempo of the Beat Pro™ Metronome. The tempo in beats per minute is displayed in BIG numbers. Touch the TAP button to set the tempo. You can also SHAKE YOUR PHONE to set the tempo. Within about TWO SHAKES of your phone, your Beat Pro™ Metronome has the tempo set—just remember to hang onto it! SHAKE even works when your phone screen is locked. SELECT TIME SIGNATURES OR JUST THE BEATS Press the time signature button to pop up a dialog window with spinner controls to select the time signature and subdivisions for the Beat Pro™ Metronome. You can select from either simple and compound time signatures; or forget time signatures altogether and just do up to 32 beats per measure. Either way you have your choice of subdivisions: quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, and triplets! Beat Pro™ Metronome, THE ESSENTIAL TOOL FOR MUSICIANS!
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by KJMSquared
Very impressive and accurate
by A.
Time intervals are dizzy at best. My mind is more acurate than this ****. I bought for sequence of beats(click track) and it does not include such a feature. Fix!!!!!!
by Ziyun
Nice concept but full of bugs. The beats are not consistent in the first few second, running under lock screen feature is cumbersome as it will pause for a few second. The shake setting keep re-enable itself, and the tap to set tempo feature just stinks.
by User
The subdivisions of patterns of three are not consistently In time.
by kyle
Has a weird swing to it, especially noticeable around 180bpm. Nice interface though. Bad time though, not "professional" as advertised.
by User
Spinner dial is a but imprecise since it goes from 211 bpm to 23 bpm, but tapping the tempo works great.
by SHOOTER0501
Shake tempo is so stupid and it messes up the tempo when you have the one you want
by vpsaxman
Needs improving. No option to start and stop, set precise tempo or sound. Great interface layout though.