English (United States)
Get all the latest news, updates, change logs, download links,tutorials,optimization guides with this Android Emulator app. This app also provides support for android emulators optimization, tweaks and much more.
Features: - Latest News and Updates - Video Tutorials - Top Android Emulators Listing - Optimization Guides
Android emulators are specifically a type of emulators/simulators applications which are designed and developed to run android like environment on your computer system by virtualizing a mobile device that actually runs on your computer or laptop.
Thus by emulating an Android device on your computer, you simply can use all android applications or games on your computers be it on a laptop or desktop with the help of these Android emulators.
It becomes beneficial for daily Android users and even for programmers & developers as they could also use these emulators to develop and test new Android applications.
Because of such features offered by Android Emulators, many companies started developing and providing such Android Emulators to the general public.
It enables users to run Android on their computers for public use without requiring any programming knowledge.
Note: This app is intended for reference purposes only.
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Useless by Jessica
This app offers links to several android emulators none of which are compatible with the Windows Surface tablet. Absolutely useless.
Stop by harry
Do not buy. This gave me a Trojan virus. Pretty lame for a dollar spent.
doesn't even emulate by John K
doesn't emulate anything. virus warnings, locked up web browser. Do NOT BUY doesn't do anything for you in a attempt to run android apps on a PC....
What a waste by Scott
Why did I have to pay for something that still has advertisements in it? You can do everything for free that this app makes you pay for with a search on google or Bing for android emulators
Does not do anything by Kirk
Does not do anything. Why is it allowed in the Microsoft store
not working by Simon-Nicolas
litteraly 15 $ thrown into garbage