English (United States)
AED is a comprehensive English dictionary app that comes with more than 400,000 entries. It has a clean and modern user interface. We endeavor to make AED the most pleasant dictionary app to use in Windows.
People also like
Functional Offline by Patrick
Cool Dictionary! The interface is intelligently simple for better focus and readability. Recent searches are also enlisted. Functional even offline! Great for students with words varying from Chemical Elements up to Law Terms. The word relation is superb! Synonyms, Antonym, and word relations will surely aid you in the Academe. Best dictionary app in the Windows ecosystem. Plus, learn new words everyday with the Live Tile feature.
AED by Pierre
I've loaded this dictionary on all my computers: it's wonderful!
Excellent Dictionary by Patricia
This is an excellent dictionary. It has a lot of medical definitions which is great. The only problems I have with this app is that before I received windows 10, I could use this app offline. Now that I have windows 10, It seems that I can only access this app when I am on the internet. Come on Microsoft, what's going on with windows 10. windows store?
Excellent by Amanullah
Good job......... Excellent Dictionary... Really this is very helpful.... ... Thanks a lot
No internet connection needed by Andrew
Finally, a comprehensive dictionary that doesn't require an internet connection. Not only is it fast and easy to search, it also provides a lot of details about the word beyond the definition, including synonyms, part of speech, pronunciation, etc.
Awesome and stupendous by Sri Surya Shankar
This is the best dictionary I have ever used , because it has examples and also pronunciation in both US and UK languages. That is the thing I liked most in this. I recommend it for everyone. It also has history option so that we can recollect our vocabulary. We can improve our vocabulary so that everyone can be accustomed to declamatory English jargon. Thank you. One suggestion for u guys........ Auto spell should be added.
Excellent Dictionary App, lacks a few things by Mark
I really love this dictionary app from an academic perspective. It is very useful for a college student. That being said, there is no synchronization between the desktop version and the windows phone version. This would be nice for research purposes since it keeps a memory of the words you have looked up in the past. Also, the phone version does not have ads but the desktop version does. I don't mind the advertising in principle, but there is no option for an ad-free paid version for the desktop like there is with many other windows apps. From an academic perspective, ads can be distracting and I would gladly buy an ad free version for this very reason if such a version were available. I rate it 5 stars for achieving its purpose, but my overall satisfaction would be 4 stars I think.