Русский (Россия) English (United States)
Taxi app is available for the Republic of Belarus only.
Taxi app is a new project by mobile operator velcom. Booking a taxi has never been so easy. The app will help you to get to any part of your city comfortably and fast.
How does it work? Create a list of your favorites on the customizable dashboard using the fullest catalogue of taxies of Belarus and call a taxi with one tap.
How much does it cost? It’s absolutely for free. Download the app and install it on your smartphone with no fees involved even if you aren’t velcom subscriber.
The real highlight of the app is the fullest database of taxi companies of the largest cities of Belarus. Book a taxi in Minsk, Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk and other cities. The list of cities is updated and completed regularly. You don’t need to browse a phonebook, all phone numbers are available at any time. Top features of the app are:
- Easy access to favorites via customizable dashboard - Booking a taxi with one tap - Over 90 taxi companies in the database - City choice option - The fullest catalogue of services and tariffs - Rate and review feature - Build-in tutorials - Online users support
- The app is fully localized in English - Reviews and comments feature - Social media integration - New taxi companies are added - Tariffs and services are updated
Henceforth, you can add your comments, rate and review taxi companies. Social media are also integrated in the new app’s version. Share your comments with relatives and friends to help them never be late.
*** An updated version with online booking capability is coming soon. The app will identify your location and display the nearest taxies online. No need to call a dispatcher – just choose a taxi and it will come right up to you.
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