English (United States)
Unstream is an unofficial Twitch.tv application for the Universal Windows Platform.
***Completely free -- In-app purchases just supports the continued development of Unstream!***
***Unstream has just undergone a massive code overhaul -- redesigned and re-engineered for Windows 10***
Watch live streams or videos on demand, view your recently watched channels, featured channels, top games, top channels and top videos or search for specific games, channels or streams. You can even filter content by language or browse while you watch via the new miniplayer!
Unstream also allows you to pin your favourite channels or games to your start screen for faster access.
Sign in to enjoy an enhanced stream/chat experience (with support for Twitch emotes, BTTV emotes/gifs and even Chat Replay!), follow or unfollow channels and even get notified when your favourite streamers go live!
== RELEASE NOTES HISTORY == v4.3.1.0 - 06/12/2017 - Fixed bug where attempting to log in resulted in a "Could not connect to service" error
v4.3.0.0 - 16/08/2017 - Added support for Picture-In-Picture mode (Compact Overlay) - Added transparent(ish) borders for media controls while viewing streams/videos (Fluent Design coming soon!) - Fixed issue where games/streams with special characters failed to load. This was fixed in v3.1.0.0, however was reintroduced accidentally as a result of v4.2.0.0 when switching to the open source .NET Library for Twitch API backend calls: https://github.com/travisliew/TwitchDotNet
v4.2.2.0 - 24/07/2017 - Added 'View Profile' and 'Refresh' buttons when failing to retrieve a stream if streamer is offline - Removed In App Purchases (IAPs), can now only donate via PayPal (due to new Australian policies regarding sale of online goods)
v4.2.1.0 - 05/01/2017 - Added loading poster source for streams and videos where possible - Fixed crashing issue when searching - Fixed scaling issue for viewing chat and streams in split mode (some users with low display scaling could only view chat in full-screen mode) - Fixed issue where searched games returned duplicates - Fixed issue where offline banner was always showing in recent list (instead of stream preview at previous time of opening)
v4.2.0.0 - 01/01/2017 - Optimised back-end API calls and open sourced a .NET Library for it -- refer to https://github.com/travisliew/TwitchDotNet. Note: if you are seeing issues with chat / authenticated requests etc. please reset settings via Settings->Reset - Settings - Added language filter settings! Settings languages here will filter the streams in 'Top Channels' and game-specific streams by language - Can now view channel-specific emoticons in a separate pivot than all Twitch emoticons (now separated into Global and Channel) - Channel (profile) videos now show highlights, archive and uploaded videos - Moved to a native way of displaying emotes and gifs. As a result they now load faster and don't impact performance as much - Reduced frequency (by half) of prompt to rate & review dialog - Removed Donate button from menu (wasn't getting any donations anyway -- might be about time I open source Unstream...) - Fixed issue where characters from other languages were unreadable (e.g. cyrillic) - Fixed issue where refresh was not working (e.g. refreshing followed channels)" - Fixed issue where lists would sometimes show duplicates (e.g duplicate stream items, channel feed) - Fixed issue where copying user nickname from chat (users pivot) would not work - Fixed issue where chat replay for VODs would (sometimes) not load after switching VODs" - Fixed issue where refresh on full-screen chat would not work
v4.1.1.0 - 02/10/2016 - Added push notifications for alerts so I can let you guys know when there's an issue (no support for push notifications for when streams go live yet sorry!) - Fixed connectivity issues for Continue App Experience (handover feature) -- now more reliable - Fixed notification mirroring and universal dismiss for generic toast (X streamers live) - Unstream now requires W10 AU update - due to all the new features that only AU devices can support :)
v4.1.0.0 - 29/09/2016 - Continue App Experience is here! You can now handover from a stream/VOD (note that VOD seek position is retained!) to another device (directly to stream/VOD or chat). Option can be found in the '...' in stream/VOD view - Added notification mirroring and universal dimsiss! Notifications are now mirrored across devices (if app is not installed on other devices), or if app is installed on multiple devices, when you dismiss a notification on a single device, it will dismiss across all devices. - Optimised chat scrolling. Should now be way more performant (thansk to W10 AU update!) - VODs now retain seek position when switching quality - GIFs will now only repeat 5 times to prevent app slow downs and high CPU usage - Updated code which launches feedback hub - Fixed issue where stream/VOD would pause when locking the device - Fixed issue where back button would not appear when navigating directly to a stream (via notification or pinned tile) - Fixed issue where back button would work incorrectly when mini player is disabled - Fixed issue where notifications when streamers go live was not working after updating to W10 AU - Fixed issue where sending a message in chat would cause an error
v4.0.3.0 - 17/09/2016 - Fixed issue where stream list would not load on some pages
v4.0.2.0 - 15/09/2016 - Added options for stream delay (change this if you experience streams pausing while audio continues -- it is because stream has caught up to live content) - Fixed issue where login settings would reset often - Fixed issue where streams and videos would not load
v4.0.1.0 - 26/07/2016 - Fixed issue with content not loading
v4.0.0.0 - 25/07/2016 - Unstream is now completely free of ads! - Chat Replay is here!! You can now watch VODs and view chat messages as they were sent! - Added 'auto' stream/video quality! Playback quality now automatically adjusts to your bandwidth - Added channel feeds! View channel feed posts via new pivot item in profile page (view post and reactions only at the moment -- posting reactions and comments coming soon) - Added option to enable or disable mini player mode - (Re)Added ability to follow / unfollow games - Added notification aggregation. If there are more than 5 followed streams live, you will only be notified that there are 'multiple streamers live' and not one notification for each (some people have many followed streamers and would therefore be spammed) - Added donation options to About page - Increased number of seek steps (default 100) for VODs longer than 1 hour (to 1000 steps) and > 10 hours (to 10000 steps). Should now be able to seek more accurately! - Updated stream offset to reduce delays. Stream should now be closer to 'live' (previously a slight delay of 10 to 30 seconds) - Updated recent streams to use stream banner instead of live banner - Streams and VODs now exit fullscreen mode when finished - Minor UI updates - Fixed issue where VODs that required a subscription to watch were not loading, even if you were subscribed - Fixed issue with accents not displaying correctly (e.g. Pokémon Go). This subsequently fixes loading streams for games with accents - Fixed issue where subscribers were being showed as editors and vice versa - Fixed issue with content not loading
v3.1.0.0 - 09/07/2016 - Added mini-player! Now you can browse other content while keeping the stream/video alive - Fixed issue where streams and videos would not load. Also added dynamic code to handle future Twitch API changes that cause this issue - Fixed issue where stream list would not load for games with certain characters (e.g. Dungeons & Dragons) - Fixed issue where back button would not suspend the app on mobile - Optimized load time of content - Left/top bar is now hidden when viewing a stream/video again
v3.0.1.0 - 21/06/2016 - Added setting to enable/disable chat timestamps - Fixed issue where chat badges were not showing - Optimized loading time
v3.0.0.0 and below -- See app for longer change log... Too many updates, they don't fit here :) --
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Best Twitch App on the Windows Store by Anka
The latest patch fixed the log-in issue so we can finally use this great app again!
Working again!! by John
Was working flawlessly, now crashing every time I run a search for a streamer that I follow to watch a past broadcast. Fix please.
Probably the best client for WP by Loren
It gets updated fixing issues as well as adding new features. It just works. *update* app not showing captcha authentication. As a result I cannot log in.
Better, but still not good on mobile by Jevan
Issue with cached login being lost is fixed, but now streams don't load anymore. :( I always want playback in landscape but now when I switch videos with the a video playing in the mini player, the new video is portrait and doesn't rotate. Very frustrating. Also app randomly keeps playing in the background, which I never want. And whenever I come back I have to manually refresh the video or the list of streams because it doesn't automatically. Also please turn off system tray during video view and make chat start in the background so I don't have to close it every time I join a stream! Only app I've found that does past broadcasts. This is awesome. Unfortunately seeking and picking up where I left off is hard. I watch lots of magic/scglive and they have 30+ hour streams. Often I want to skip a few minutes or go to a specific time and it's impossible. Pinned channels is a great feature!
Latest update seems to have broken it for me. by CT
Everything was working fine until the most recent update. All channels now appear offline for me. *Update: Everything is back to normal. The update to fix my issues was put out quite quickly. 5 stars.
by Brett
I LOVE that I was finally able to find a Twitch app that had VOD support! The interface is quick and clean, and being able to refresh only one pivot at a time makes it run much more smoothly than some of the other apps I've tried. The inclusion of notifications is also awesome, and makes it much easier to follow tournament streams! ^_^