English (United States)
VERSION 1.0.0 Ultimate Health calculator is a "MUST-HAVE" application. It has 15 health calculator and more are coming. This calculators use the latest calculations used by medics all over the world. This app has two main categories of categories. - Health Calculators (10) - Gym Calculators (5) The health calculator category has the following calculators: 1. Body Fat Calculator 2. Lean Body Mass Calculator 3. B.M.R Calculator 4. Blood Sugar Converter Calculator 5. Body Surface Area Calculator 6. B.M.I Calculator 7. Protein Intake Calculator 8. Carbohydrates Intake Calculator 9. Fats Intake Calculator 10. Smoking Cost Calculator The gym calculator category has the following calculators: 1. Six Pack Calculator 2. Heart Rate Calculator 3. Ideal Body Weight Calculator 4. Maximum Reps Calculator 5. Water Intake Calculator All the calculators come with tips and valuable information. In the next update some features will be availed, currently they are in development stage. This include... - Over 200 first aids and emergencies - A more personalised application - User health information store incase of an emergency medics will be quick at helping you out. The application also has provisions for the user to suggest a calculator so that the developer can include it in the next update. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.