English (United States)
Track Runner – for runners that don’t compromise. Track your run, analyze your performance & train smarter with intervals. Award-winning Track Runner is packed with run-centric features and completely free with no in-app purchases or ads. After all, running is free - why pay for your training?! Features + Heart Rate: Train in the right zone with Bluetooth LE heart rate monitor support. + Intervals: Select from adaptive interval workouts or create your own. + Pacer: Helps you pace yourself to reach your goal. + Cadence: Analyze your stride rate and minimize injury risk. + Genius: Estimates your race times. + Gear: Track your shoes’ stride rate and all your gear’s mileage. + Live tile: Motivates you to go running. Statistics + Splits tables, fastest distances & laps, pace and heart rate graph, elevation graph and cumulative elevation gain, weather. + Cardio Map + Interval training analysis. + Weekly distances chart, records, lap records, total steps, average stride rate. The complete list of features: + super accurate GPS tracking + intelligent track and lap recognition + supports most Bluetooth LE/Smart/4.0 heart rate monitors + customizable heart rate zones for more effective training + Cardio Map (analyze in which heart rate zones you trained and share your Cardio Map on social networks) + adaptive interval training with intuitive option to build a custom workout + Pacer feature including negative splits option to pace yourself during a race or to beat your personal best + powerful statistics (fastest times accurate splits, calories burned, elevation data, pace & hr graph, average stride rate etc.) + gear mileage tracker including shoe-cadence analysis + Auto-pause and auto-resume + live tracking and live cheering + Performance Genius (uses the McMillan method to estimate your potential times for popular race distances) + diary with notes feature + records of your fastest runs and laps + weather data + GPX import and export + no sign-up or membership required + automated backup + social network sharing including Cardio Map picture + voice notifications, including split notifications + works under the lock-screen + “log run” option to log indoor training + live tile + intuitive and easy to use interface Please note: Heart rate monitor support is only available for phones running commercial WP 8.1 (not dev preview). Stride rate/cadence, auto-pause, and step counting features are only available for SensorCore enabled phones.
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by Shardul
Fantastic app...genius feature is stand out. Rest tracking, commentary, split, share is as good as other apps. I took one star out because UI could have been more colourful and simple like Endomondo
by Stephan
This app is the new gold standard for running apps! I have used this app in a few ultras...a couple in excess of 10 hours for a single run. It is as accurate (if not more so) than my Nike watch or Garmin and in 10 hours used less than 25% battery. I've seen a couple reviews that say "no" or "bad" funny that they come from exactly the same device and have zero feedback...haters are gonna hate I guess
by Aaron
Best running app for Windows Phone. Monitors time, distance, speed, pace, calories, steps, gives voice alerts during run, maps your run with GPS, has visual graphs of speed and elevation, you can log treadmill runs, saves all of your runs, tracks your records...and I'm sure it does plenty more that I am not mentioning. Plus the tile itself looks nice and it uses live tile technology to tell you how many miles you've run that week, which really helps keep you motivated.
by Stavros
Excellent app!! It's working perfectly and it's way much better than windows' default similar app
by Ryan
Simple, easy to use, no accounts with spammy ads in a desktop interface...the closest I've come to Abvio's Runmeter on iOS, which was my favorite when I was on iPhone. Nice app, feels good to support an indie developer picking Windows Phone.