English (United States)
• "TPipingHMI is a viewer and a fast editor of the automation interfaces. It is a client for accessing the automation data on the devices such as "Raspberry PI", "BeagleBone", Windows PC or PLC. . • "TPipingHMI" screen is based on a set of the graphic symbols with ability to connect each other. The symbols appearance is determined by the parameters whose values are received from a control device or the Google sheets used as a gateway. • Canvas based, the internally "wired", pipeline graphics provides the automatic transition of the color indexes through the "open" pipelines and allows automatic coloring of these pipelines. • "TPipingHMI" - provides the original means to speed up the design of the piping mimic diagrams and make them more "smart" with ability to place the piping symbols automatically. • The app "Help" file contains the examples and the instructions how to configure the microcomputers under Debian OS for the communication with "TPipingHMI", using HTTP, MQTT over WebSocket protocols and Modbus TCP through Websocket bridge.
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Very useful for small Scada applications.