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Changing wallpaper has never been easier!
Choose from more than a thousand high-quality images from various sources: Unsplash, Pixabay, Pexels and many others. Or let the application do it for you every day. It is also possible to ask Cortana to pick background or lock screen image for you.
Are you a happy owner of Microsoft Band? No problem! The application not only allows you to change the image on your device but it'll also pick up matching color scheme.
People also like
Fast and convenient by Unknown
It has sleek design and looks, works very fast, but most importantly has an amazing wallpapers collection! Now I'll never be bored with my wallpaper again.
Great wall by Seargheo
Amazing UI, lack of wallpapers though
Let us upload..... by Owais
Great app for wallpapers but it'll be greatest if we can participate in uploading wallpapers...