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Do you know all the rules? Only one thing stands between a Man and the swirling chaos of the universe - his Bros. His Bros protect him from waking up next to a beer-goggle induced sex disaster. His Bros are there when his team wins the big game. His Bros are there when he's trying to pick up hot chicks. His Bros are there for him, and he's there for them. With this app, you can truly master all of the Bro Rules.
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by User
Fun, not really useful but it will provide a few minutes of entertainment when bored considering the lack of applications in Windows Store.
by Hasmit
I had a broner just reading this!
by Rob
Anyone else notice article 4 & article 22 contradict each other? Article 4 says "a bro never divulges the existence of the bro code to a woman"; but article 22 states that "There is no law that prohibits a woman from being a bro". I apologize if I have ruined the Bro Code for you.
by Joshua
A very good set of suggestions to live ones life by keeping in mind that one is already a bro