SP* (Supplier Portal Allowing Retail Coverage)

English (United States)
The SP* (Supplier Portal Allowing Retail Coverage) app allows the Walmart supplier to gain an overview of what products are on the shelves at any given time. By accessing this real-time data, suppliers are better able to make informed decisions about in-stock levels and product availability – which is crucial in retail.
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by Jonathan
Issue: When logging in it kicks out and logs out making me log in twice each time I need to log in. Much better after the update. Thank you for making this app for Windows phone!
It's all there... by Luis
I use a Lumia 640. The app works great but crashes randomly. Especially when logging in for the first time. It wouldn't be so bad but the log in screen doesn't remember your screen name. Retyping your screen name and password gets to be quite a chore. Hope you guys don't give up on this version for Windows. It's looking great. *** update: Incase you keep getting "logged out" like me. Just go back to your windows home screen and force close the app. (force close by holding down the Back Button on the Navigation Bar, then swipe down to close the App). Then just relaunch the App and you should be logged in! It's much faster than retyping everything.
by Matthew
Basically non-functional. Picks do not work. Everything takes 5 times longer than on the iOS version. I mean, it's pretty, but it doesn't work. Kinda important to my job.