English (United States)
Sobriety Counter will enable you to keep track of how long you have refrained from addictive behavior. Now available for Windows 10.
Set the start date and Sobriety Counter for Windows 10 will let you know how many days you have been without the addictive behavior. It also tells you how many years, months and days in addiction to a sum total of days since your began your sobriety.
If you don't see your addictive behavior in list of addictions you can enter one of your own.
You are able to track multiple sobrieties, no limits. You can switch between them to see your total days or view all of them together in a popup which lists total days for each.
If you would like you can change the background color of the app to one of the provided colors.
Sobriety Counter for Windows 10 also provides you with encouragement by providing 100 motivational quotes. With each sobriety you can add one motivational quote of your own to help you reach your goa.
Popups appear when goal dates are reached. Whether it's one day or one year, a popup will alert you of important milestones.
In the Achievements tab you will see a countdown that will let you know how much time is left before your next goal is reached.
Sobriety counter is ad supported in order to make it free. Thanks for your support!
Simple to use and accurate.
Note: Minimum screen size supported for mobile phone is 5"
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Появился счетчик трезвости. Долго ждал и искал после Андроида. Спасибо разработчикам.