Deutsch (Deutschland)
RestMobile is an mobility- app for using Unified- Communication- functions (UC) of the Alcatel- Lucent OpenTouch(OT) on a Windows 10 phone.
RestMobile for Windows 10 Phone leverages what users love most – their own devices. RestMobile gives users choice and control over how they communicate, in whatever media, from any location or device. RestMobile sets a new standard when it comes to user experience, with: • Richness (all-in-one, fully featured) • Elegance (consumer-grade ergonomics) • Immediacy (instant, full control)
RestMobile exposes the features and flexibility of the OpenTouch Suite through these popular smartphones. Use gestures to place calls, retrieve messages and move easily from a phone call or chat to a multi-party conversation. Join conferences in one click, enjoy visual voicemail ergonomics, and define and select your call-routing profiles to meet current location and availability.
BENEFITS • Compelling and thoughtful user experience that encourages employee communications and rich and frequent conversations. • Improved collaboration and increased efficiency with streamlined evolution of business conversations to include multiple parties, persistent conversations and conferencing on the move. • Boosted productivity and reduced costs with quick access to business communication features anywhere. • Faster and more efficient communication between employees with a single business identity across multiple devices. • Guaranteed employee efficiency with a full set of notifications (voice message, missed call, chat). • Optimized time management with a presence information that indicates clearly when a favorite contact is available and shows the best ways to communicate. • Secure access to the enterprise with Reverse Proxy HTTPS support.
The app communicates via REST and SOAP with OT. Minimum a REST Advanced Telephony API- license in OT is mandatory. To use full functions, REST Messaging API- license and REST Conference API- license are mandatory. These licenses must be orderd separatly at an ALE- business partner.