Deutsch (Deutschland) English (United States)
This app will be able to help you to convert the different units used in connection with radioactive contamination. All those units like µSievert, mRem, Counts per Minute, nGray and Becquerel - it's a confusing diversity! Who is in the know of all those units?
Using traffic lights with green, yellow and red, you will see at a glance by the help of this app, whether it would be dangerous for you to stay in that area or to drink contaminated water and which hazards you would take.
You see at once, how long you may stay with an entered radiation without health threat
Furthermore the app will calculate the radiation you would get within a week, a month, three months, half a year and a year and tells you about the risks.
So you are good informed as someone living in an endangered area or as a travelling person about the risks involved.
Current readings may be found in the internet. The app has built in links leading you to the maps showing the radiation in Germany and the United States. Also for Japan there are links to tables with the actual readings.
With this app we wish you good luck avoiding any unnecessary radioactive contamination!
Version 1.4: Default Language changed from German-> English. Version 1.5: Layout of the selection-page was changed and a picture included.
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by NawfSideWillyB
Solid app, has most conversions, needs decay calculation and smoother/ better looking interface