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Podcasted is set to be the most immersive podcast app on Windows Universal platforms. You can build or import your own podcast library. Sync across devices. And of course pick up your listening progress. The user interface of Podcasted aims at modern and minimalistic. Differentiate itself from old Windows app pattern. Making you experience it instead of using it.
Features: - Progress: Stop anywhere, the app will continue playing next time - Subscribe and download podcast - Variable speed: change the play speed from 0.5x to 2x - Cast: to different devices via Wi-Fi - Sync: app data via cloud - Sleep timer: Let you stop podcast on time - All platforms: desktop, tablet, mobile and Xbox running on all Windows platforms - Stream: Play episodes on the fly - Audio & Video: Support both video and audio podcast - Refresh: Check for new episodes with one click - Filters: Filter or sort your podcasts' episodes by played, download, time and alphabet - Search: Search any podcast you want to hear, also in episode list - Share: Share any podcast or episode - OPML: Seemlessly jump on board with OPML import. No need for furthur searching or migrating - Theme: Both support for Dark and Light theme to meet your preference - Offline: Grab your device to anywhere without internet connection, you can still access the podcast as long as you download the episodes
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Great app and great developer by Mike
I'm going to leave my first comments below for context. Last night I left comments about this app regarding the accessibility for blind users. He in about the past 12 hours made significant improvements leading to a much nicer user experience. I wish all devs were so responsive. As a blind user I use a screen reader to access Windows. Currently the buttons in this app do not haaave text labels on the buttons. as a result when I touch a button I just hear "button" instead of "play button" for example. Dev studio allows you to set a label property on your buttons that will fix this. If this app becomes fully accessible I'll happily get the premium version and ccchange my rating. Thanks for your consideration.
Best available. Not good. by The Spoon 237
Takes several tries to get through one podcast because it regularly forces you to restart what is playing. Still slightly better than the other option.
Not the best Ud: Best available by Babblestock
Clean GUI, background play (edit: bg play doesn't work), u/l to One-Drive, has ads, needs library feature. UPDATED: bg play works fine.
Needs background play. by DoctorWhootie
Found the podcasts that I like but if I cant listen while playing games then its sort of pointless, for me at least. Might as well use the apps on my phone.
Needs a better UI! by Zramy
Please improve the UI. I'd really appreciate it. It feels too cramped up and tight.