English (United States)
Accept and process EMV chip cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and other contactless methods, by using PI Pay. Masterfully designed to provide simple tools for processing credit cards using a PAX pinpad, or terminal, PI PI Pay provides you with a solution to process credit cards, manage transactions, and access them from anywhere on the web. PI Pay utilizes semi-integration technologies and gives you full PCI compliance solution. PI Pay is Secure, Simple and intuitive. You can use PI Pay with your current merchant account absolutely free of charge (only what you already pay to process credit cards). PI Pay supports all major processors as long as they have been certified through PAX. PI Pay also provide a way to accept cards, even when you don't have a credit card terminal! Get a TSYS gateway account(We can help you with that) and activate TSEP on PI Pay. Once you have the gateway access, you can type in the card number in a secure form provided and secured by TSYS, and process them. All transaction records are stored locally on your device and also on our server, which makes them available to you from anywhere. Void, Refund and adjust transaction in seconds. PI Pay does not store credit card details and instead relies on certified and PCI Complaint PAX terminals, and in case of TSYS gateway, TSYS secure pay.