English (United States)
Discover the World Of Pilates with this collection of 183 Tuitional and informative videos. Find out what Pilates can do do for you. Discover the incredible Pilates reformer and other equipment - most of which can be used in your own home.
Videos include: Gymstick Original Workout 1 Gymstick original workout 2 Gymstick Original workout 3 Gymstick Original Warm Up Gymstick Original Streching Pilates Movement April 2014 Featured Studio - Valencia Classical Pilates Kinetic Pilates Galter Life Center Kinetic Pilates True Pilates Sydney Galter Life Center SSC Gym Studio Telluride Metropolitan Pilates Vintage Pilates PSI PSI SportsPilates Pilates on 66 Studio Telluride June Hines Pilates Las Colinas Pilates reAB Pilates anthony rabara pilates studio GRATZ PILATES AUGUST 2014 FEATURED STUDIO GRATZ Pilates Presents Centre Pilates Tiana GRATZ COMMUNITY TRUE PILATES FEBRUARY 2015 FEATURED STUDIO - TRUE PILATES PRAGUE MARCH 2015 FEATURED STUDIO - THE PILATES LOFT PUREformance Pilates Studio Elizabeths Studio S2EP04 Improve Your Roll-Up Elizabeths Studio S2EP03 New Ab Challenge on the Chair Elizabeths Studio S2EP01 A Trip Around the Hip Elizabeths Studio EP39 Ladder Barrel Movement Sequence Elizabeths Studio EP38 Pilates for the Feet - Foot Corrector Elizabeths Studio EP37 Pilates for the Feet Elizabeths Studio EP36 Push-Up Core Challenge Elizabeths Studio EP35 Reformer Work for Kyphosis Elizabeths Studio EP34 Clients with Knee Replacements - III Elizabeths Studio EP33 Clients with Knee Replacements - II Elizabeths Studio EP32 Clients with Knee Replacements - I Elizabeths Studio EP31 Clarifying Thoracic Rotation Elizabeths Studio EP30 Advanced Side Lying Leg Work Elizabeths Studio EP29 Tensegrity on the EXO Chair - III Elizabeths Studio EP28 Tensegrity on the EXO Chair - II Elizabeths Studio EP27 Tensegrity on the EXO Chair - I Elizabeths Studio EP26 Expanding the Thoracic Area Elizabeths Studio EP25 How to use the Functional Footprints Elizabeths Studio EP24 Save Your Wrists Elizabeths Studio EP23 Reformer Work For Triathletes Elizabeths Studio EP22 Standing Pelvic Floor Training Elizabeths Studio EP21 Arm and Shoulder Therapeutics Elizabeths Studio EP20 Balance Challenge on the Pilates Arc Elizabeths Studio EP19 Abdominal Strength in Side Bending Elizabeths Studio EP18 Assisted Spine Articulation Elizabeths Studio EP17 Rediscovering Bridging Elizabeths Studio EP16 Relieving a Compressed Center of the Ribs Pelvis Elizabeths Studio EP15 Hip Joint Compression Elizabeths Studio EP14 Practicing Arm Work on the Roller Elizabeths Studio EP13 Rotate Your Thoracic Area Opposite Gait Elizabeths Studio EP12 Supine Jumping for Improved Coordination part 2 Elizabeths Studio EP11 Supine Jumping for Improved Coordination Elizabeths Studio EP10 Spine Mobility Abdominal Control Elizabeths Studio EP9 Beyond Core Control Elizabeths Studio EP8 Save Your Wrists Strengthen Your Upper Back Elizabeths Studio EP7 Comprehensive Rotating of the T-Bar Elizabeths Studio EP6 The Core Has Arms Elizabeths Studio EP5 Mid-back Shoulder Mobility Elizabeths Studio EP4 The Core Has Legs Elizabeths Studio EP3 Connect Feet To Pelvis Lower Extremity Alignment for Knee Strength Upside-Down Pilates - Foam Roller - Lesson 60 - Full 30 Minute Pilates Workout - HD Upside-Down Pilates - Prenatal Pilates - Lesson 55 - Full 30 Minute Pilates Workout - HD Upside-Down Pilates - Pilates Arc - Lesson 61 - Full 30 Minute Pilates Workout - HD Upside-Down Pilates - Exercise Ball - Lesson 52 - Full 30 Minute Pilates Workout - HD Upside-Down Pilates - Intermediate Arms - Pilates Workout 45 - Full 30 Minute Pilates Workout - HD Upside-Down Pilates - Intermediate Legs - Full 30 Minute Pilates Workout 44 - HD
and many more!