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Menstruation and Ovulation Calendar - Best companion app for our female friends!
Period Calendar Deluxe is designed for the female friends who plan to conceive a baby, avoid a pregnancy, or want to track monthly cycles.
If you are planning to be a mommy, Period Calendar Deluxe will show you the possible dates of high chance to conceive a baby (boy or girl). Period Calendar Deluxe also provides you with the detail of the delivery due date and the baby's zodiac.
Period Calendar Deluxe also works for you if you are under birth control. You can mark any date on the calendar as the start date or the end date of the period as well as period flow level, cervical fluid, cramp intensity, breast tenderness intensity, headache level, body ache level, had sex, took pill, basal body temperature and daily mood. Also, you can add notes to keep your important information for any date you want.
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Happy Mammy by Tracey
Helps me keep track of my daughter's cycle and mood. Wish the app could track more than one person, though. I have two daughters.
I couldn't get past the music by Laura
Sorry, would have liked to check it out more, but the music was driving me crazy. With no way to turn it off, (and not to mention all the ads above and below the calendar, along with popups) it's not worth my time. :( Cut back on ads and turn off the music!
5 stars by Erica
Period Calendar Deluxe is wonderful ! It allows me to get a better idea of the times of the month that I maybe able to get pregnant !
I cant get the annoying music to stop playing! by Valerie
a couple weird things.. I entered my data from the past year. and it is predicting my period 49 days from now... seams like a glitch. also no off button for the harpsichord music
Only one complaint, but love the app. by Kaylee
The app is easy to use, but it took me a little while to learn how to save my info. Make it easier for people to save their information. Thanks!
Waste of time by Tamara
Would be a good app if it actually worked. I can't add or edit anything. It says to click on the day I want to add data to but when I do nothing happens. I hope you fix this because I was looking forward to using this app. [email protected] Please contact me if you want further details so it can be fix.