Muscle Premium: 3D Visual Guide for Bones, Joints & Muscles — Human Anatomy & Kinesiology

English (United States)
The best-selling reference for reviewing muscle and bone details and explaining anatomy to patients. Recommended by physical therapists, sports trainers, massage therapists, and orthopedic specialists. (See their reviews below!)
Muscle Premium includes true 3D models of hundreds of muscles, bones, ligaments, bursae, and nerves. Rotate, zoom into, and dissect to create ideal views of body regions. Watch animations of muscle actions. View more than 2,200 pins where muscles originate and insert, and attach to bones. Study definitions and listen to pronunciations.
iMedicalApps calls Muscle Premium "incredibly impressive at highlighting complex anatomy…The combination of impressive detail and 3D graphics mean this app is a market leader.”
Please note: A few users have reported that upgrading their device to Windows 10 resulted in this app not working properly. If your device's graphics card has more than 128 MB RAM, you may be unable to use this version of Muscle Premium in Windows 10. We are investigating this bug.
Check out some of the customer reviews for Muscle Premium:
“…I use [Muscle Premium] in my sports medicine practice as a teaching tool for patients. They love it.”
“This app has saved me hours of frustration and time in cadaver lab!”
“As a third year orthopedic surgery resident [this app] provides a great starting point to begin a more thorough understanding of an anatomical region. In planning surgical approaches and dissections, it’s helpful to have such a resource.”
“…[Muscle Premium] aids me in explaining medical issues to patients…the constant learning that this app stimulates is the real joy.”
“I am a Speech-language Pathologist…and this program is great for studying head and neck.”
“Before this program trying to memorize all the muscles seemed confusing and insurmountable, with this program I study a group a day, or few days, until I am confident in it; then move on to another group… all the while using quizzes to help keep things fresh.”
“I’ve been a massage therapist for over 25 years and this is the program I use in my workshops.”
“I am training to be a fitness trainer…[This app] is so detailed it is practically hands-on, and has made it incredibly easy to learn the muscles.”
“I use this almost every day in my PT clinic for reference and for teaching my patients.”
“Awesome app. I’m a physiotherapy student and this app has helped me in a lot of my anatomy classes.”
“My chiropractor showed me this app …and I was amazed, so I bought it for me (professional voice singer and teacher) and my husband (who is in massage therapy school).”
Muscle Premium is a great app for anyone studying or interested in human anatomy and kinesiology.
Studying for the NPTE? This interactive study guide is perfect for physical therapy student or anyone in the field of sport medicine to study for their clinical exam.
About the Model
Muscle Premium is the most sophisticated and complete true 3D model of the human musculature available. This app includes highly detailed muscular and skeletal models created by a team of expert medical illustrators with decades of experience in biomedical visualization. These experts work in conjunction with professors and healthcare professionals who review all models and definitions.
Contact Us
Customer feedback is vital to successful products! Email us at [email protected]. Let us know what you like about Muscle Premium, tell us if the app isn't performing as expected, or share ideas for making the app better.
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Keeps crashing-TERRIBLE 1/2STAR Rating by Mom and
Paid $27.05 for this app and it has not opened one time. It says its initializing and then crashes every time. This is not what I expect from an expensive app. How do I get my money back? I am a Physical Therapist Student and thought this would help me with my studies. So far its a terrible product.
APP IS AWESOM BUT..... by Ernesto D
This app is awesome and is exactly what I am looking for but......It doesn't give you the name of the land marks on the bones. I mean it shows the landmarks but doesn't give you the names like the PC version. Unless I am missing the option on how to view the name of the landmarks on the bones. If it is a glitch please fix soon :)
Can be much better by S
Gives you the origin / insertion LOCATION only, NOT the names of the landmarks! Did not even see enervation and the blood supply.