Français (France)
It’s funny!Is for all ….. which want to know when you have a critical day. Use any knowledgeto be succesful in what you do. Of course , this depend only of you. External human factors can introduced only if you know birthdays from max.3person (in this app).
The novelty is that I have an idea how to change /the real number of days lived so far/. By ex.: if you borned in Romania , Buzau and after from data1 to data2 you will be in France,Paris or in other place from the world , the change must be made , and after can work with the model (theory of biorhytm 1897-1902 Hermann Swoboda, Wilhelm Fliess, Alfred Teltscher).
Hence must compute this differences for all 7 components: /primary/physic cycle(18days) , social(28days) , intellectual(33days) , /secundary/ spiritual(53days) , awarness(48days) , aesthetic(43days) , intuition(38days).
If you . When you travel by air you cross times zones. The totaleror=howcycle()*difference_time_zones. After must real_days=ndays+totaleror. must consider and sign from est towest must plus , from west to est must minus. Here , this is only initial model...may be in a future new model with influence...
I think that genetics machine is not influenced by diseases or age because we have same DNA in all life , from born to death... (Thanks to team of teachers -Microsoft/edX.org : Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life/" )
And, in finally, is very good to know why you have a bad day .....";
This app is for Windows phone type LUMIA 550 (like my smatphone). I am an oMf's fan (old Microsoft's fan).