English (United States)
Manga Otaku provides over 5000 of the top manga in a beautiful and easy to use package. Search easily for your favorite manga by title, description, genres, and more!
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Disappointment by TheMightyMizfit
I tried reading multiple manga but none of them loaded so i was left with a black screen
Fun by Unknown
Super awesome, and it has all the manga I love!
im a weeb by isaac reece
is very good by alexis
I thought this was going to be another stupid app but this is quite amazing
what to fix by I M 4ever D Man
the thing I like is also one of the things I don't and that is that you can zoom in but you can't zoom in enough.There's a few other things I don't like.They're that when I reach the last page I keep getting sent back to the previous one,another one is that sometimes when I'm searching for a certain manga it will show up as available when I type in the title but doesn't show up after clicking search,the last two problems with the app are that sometimes pages are missing their outer edges and finally there is the lack of sources to choose from.Otherwise it's fairly good.