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Use your phone as a real lux meter for free! Lux-o-Meter is the first Windows Phone 8.1 application for measuring real illuminance using the built-in light sensor, now also with the option to use alternative illuminance units: Foot-candle, Phot or Nox. It's now also possible to disable the automatic lock screen. The application is free, but if you like it, you can update it to Pro version, thanks! Because of missing light sensor the application does not work on: Nokia Lumia 530, 630, 635, 636
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App is great and works well. I simply why on Earth it needs to know my location. Are we starting to go Google style?
by steven
Great, works well, would be really good if you could incorporate some general guidelines as to average recommended lux in offices etc.
by Alan
Works like a charm for getting relative illumination readings in various indoor gardens.
by Ahmed
Good job, it will be awesome if u can add alarm depending light sensitivity, like when my room light turn off, or when sunlight start lightning my room in morning etc