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With LoL Champion you can browse all League of Legends champions including their prices, skins prices, counterpicks and spotlight videos. You can check current rotation and sales. You will be allways notified about new rotation or sale via tile notifications! Application is always up to date!
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by Kelvim
Amei esse app, genial!! Por favor continue a atualizar ele, vcs vão fazer bastante sucesso assim Ah, tenho uma ideia pro app, que tal colocar um aba de itens, mostrando seus crafting, e seus atributos, ia ficar sensacional, parabéns de novo pelo trabalho 5 stars!!!!
by Mohamed
Very nice app , but I suggest that u give the users the ability to mark their owned champions
Doesn't Work at all by Joseph
When i open "lol champion" it gives me an error that he couldn't download the new patch and i can continue ,but when i press continue it gives me a blank page and the app closing automatic after few seconds
Great way to start by Tsukuyomi
Great for beginners
Melhor que tem! by Matheus
Fala counters, monstra dicas, habilidades, skins e historia, mas acho que poderiam colocar dicas de builds para fazer pro campeão, qual item fazer primeiro, qual pagina de talentos, aee programadores! Dica construtiva, se nao for demais podem fazer isso, iria ficar mais q perfeito!
by Marko