English (United States)
This intuitive and user friendly app allows to watch television from Internet live streaming media sources. You can download the M3U file format channel list from a remote source URL or load it from local storage file. Live streaming media sources are available for free on the web. None of these sources is broadcast by the developer and he cannot guarantee their quality or availability.
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Amazing app by Dimitar
Intuitive and simple to use amazing application to watch TV over the Internet from m3u playlists sources.
Lacks basic functions by Michael
This app clearly states it won't help you find M3U streams, but after you download a list, there's no way to delete non-working streaming sources. Since streams are hit-or-miss and frequently change, you'll wind up with lots dead-end clutter with no way to distinguish the good from bad. And for this, you pay $5.
Otimo by Valdecio
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